Thursday, December 25, 2008

Birthday Christmas Card but Look closely!

LOOK closely at this one!!

I love using the "reflection" technique on a card. I was trying to come up with a clever idea for a Christmas/Birthday combo card instead of doing two separate cards. Do you see it....take a look!

The Pony's hat is Christmas, the puppy's collar is red, the gift is red and green with the Merry Christmas Greeting. Now, check out the "reflection" in the water! The pony has a Birthday party hat on, the puppy is wearing a blue collar, the birthday gift is more primary birthday colors and it has a Happy Birthday Greeting. I thought it turned out kinda cute:) The even cooler thing is it was "my" original idea! (Not the refection technique, but making the reflection different to have two different theme's) I didn't scrap lift it from anyone :) hee hee Now....if you have seen it done, don't tell me. I want to at least think it was my idea for a little while :)

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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